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Battery Energy Storage Systems: Empowering Businesses with Efficient and Reliable Energy Solutions

Battery Energy Storage Systems: Empowering Businesses with Efficient and Reliable Energy Solutions

Sunway Solar is proud to introduce our advanced battery energy storage systems, including the Sunway 768V 92kWh Industrial and commercial energy storage systems.  With a total energy capacity of 92kWh and a range of powerful features, our energy storage systems are designed to provide businesses with efficient, reliable, and sustainable energy solutions. In this article, we will explore the key specifications and benefits of Sunway Solar’s battery energy storage systems, highlighting their superior performance and versatility.


High Energy Capacity and Efficient Performance

Sunway Solar’s 768V 92kWh Industrial and commercial energy storage systems offer businesses a substantial energy capacity to meet their power demands.  With a total energy capacity of 92kWh, our systems provide ample storage for businesses to store and utilize energy as needed.


Our energy storage systems exhibit impressive conversion efficiency, with a rating of ≥94% on the DC side at 25℃ and 0.5C.  This high conversion efficiency ensures minimal energy loss during the charging and discharging processes, maximizing the overall system performance and optimizing energy utilization.


Versatile Power Management Capabilities

Sunway Solar’s battery energy storage systems are equipped with versatile power management capabilities, making them suitable for a wide range of applications.  The systems have a sustainable charging and discharging power of 30KW, enabling businesses to flexibly adjust their energy consumption based on their specific needs.

The rated DC side voltage of 768V and the working voltage range of 672~864V provide businesses with the necessary flexibility to adapt to varying energy requirements. This versatility allows for seamless integration with existing power systems and enables businesses to achieve optimized power management and cost savings.


Reliable and Safe Operations

Sunway Solar prioritizes the safety and reliability of our battery energy storage systems.  The AC maximum discharge current of 45A ensures a stable and controlled energy release during operation, minimizing the risk of system overload or damage.


Additionally, our energy storage systems are designed to operate within a wide temperature range, ensuring reliable performance even in challenging environmental conditions. With the capability to maintain efficiency and functionality at 25℃, businesses can rely on our energy storage systems to deliver consistent power supply throughout the year.



Sunway Solar’s Sunway 768V 92kWh Industrial and commercial energy storage systems provide businesses with efficient, reliable, and versatile energy solutions.  With their high energy capacity, efficient performance, and versatile power management capabilities, our battery energy storage systems empower businesses to optimize energy utilization, reduce costs, and enhance energy independence.


By partnering with Sunway Solar, businesses gain access to advanced technology and expertise in battery energy storage. Our tailored solutions are designed to meet the unique energy requirements of commercial applications, providing businesses with a competitive edge in the dynamic energy landscape.

Embrace the power of Sunway Solar’s battery energy storage systems and unlock the potential for enhanced energy efficiency, cost savings, and reliable power management. Together, let’s build a more sustainable and resilient future for businesses worldwide.

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